June 02, 2012

And, There Was Light

Sabarmati, Gujarat.

Here, Kasturba Gandhi lived.


  1. Excellent photo, and the heading no less.

  2. Raji Muthukrishnan: Thank you.

    Vineeta Yashswi: Thanks.

  3. wow!!! lovely shot, but even more wonderful, the line!! love it!

  4. I have been around for a whilst now, i think about myself a loyal reader. Just thought i would let you know!

  5. Anuradha Shankar: Thank you.

    Imonpurple: Thanks. Shadows accentuate light to retain their own mystery.

  6. Such an amazing shot....Words go with the picture completely

    I have included your blog to my list.

    Its worth a read. Simple daily route destinations too are described with complete information and that makes it different

  7. A speck of light is enough to defeat the darkness Struggle of light to hide darkness is in vain -Anil T

  8. Rathina Sankari: Thank you. Nice to know you liked the post. Thanks for the inclusion.

    AnilT: Thank you. True, light's struggle with darkness is an all enduring metaphor. Sometimes darkness triumphs, but mostly light does.

  9. The picture and the title says it all.

  10. Amazing shot and thank you for the nice comments on mine and I'm your new follower..Susie

  11. Can you imagine having only those bars to look through? Incredible.

  12. Beautiful. You are a true artist.

  13. Red: Thank you.

    Radha: Thanks.

    Riot Kitty: Thank you.

    Susie Swanson: Thank you.

    Talon: Difficult to imagine.
    This was Kasturba Gandhi's room in Hriday Kunj, where she and her husband, Mahatma Gandhi, lived on the banks of the Sabarmati river.

    Austere: :-)

    Lgsquirrel: Thank you. Merely an identifier of Art, not a creator.

    Niranjana: Thank you.

  14. How did I lose track of your blog??? It's in my google reader now. I love this image.


Your comments are much appreciated and I'd love to hear from you. Thank you.