May 31, 2012

A Swan In The Hills

A paddle boat in a lake in the shape of a Swan

Sattal, Uttarakhand. 


  1. I like this. It looks so pretty and peaceful there.

  2. Poor lone pink mechanical swan! Beautiful hills and lovely water... What's news at your end?

  3. Anil, Beautiful and peaceful picture...liked the swan shaped boat, it suits well to the scenic surroundings. Thanks for sharing this therapeutic picture.

  4. Daisy: It's very peaceful there, atleast in the mornings when tourists are yet to arrive.

    NRIGirl: Lonesome Swan for sure. Quiet water. Hardly any ripples. All fine. Hope you're doing fine as well.

    Usha: Thank you. Nice to know you liked the post.

  5. The silence, through the picture, is strongly heard!

  6. When I read the title, I was expecting a familiar picture of swan but this one surprised me pleasantly. :-)

    Nice serene place.

  7. Hi Anil. I really love this photo! I see there are so many posts to catch up on.. so far, I've had a look at the Mumbai Cinema city, and the beautiful jungle photos.. now to go back further into the past, as I've been away so long! Always great to catch up on your blog posts :)

  8. Nisha: It is. Among the seven lakes in Sat Tal (the name derived from the number of lakes) there's one named Nal Damyanti, the story I read as a kid and learnt for the first time that there're birds called Swans.

    Karen: Thank you. Many posts. Welcome back, it's pleasure to have you reading them.

    Vineeta Yashswi: Nice to know you're from this place.

  9. Beautiful photo and the swan boat adds that touch of quirk and makes me smile.

  10. I love the swan paddle boat. Anil, it looks like the most amazingly serene spot. What a place to spend time in!

  11. bliss. I would luv to be there in that boat by myself :)

  12. A. Joy: Thank you.

    Talon: Thank you. It's a very serene spot.

    Red: 'By Myself'? :-) I thought you'd add - 'with some memorable company to help paddle the boat' :-)

  13. AP: naah afetr the canoeing incident my amily will not simply partake in my crazy adventures leave alone go on an expedition like this one :P. Ha ! memorable company hmm like the ones seen on the idiot screen eh ? ye shaam mastani..types :))

  14. Red: I can understand Once bitten, twice shy, but Once bitten, forever shy?

    Still, an incident like the one you were in can leave long lasting scars. Encouraging company and a trip or two back on the waters might help resolve it.

    Yup, like the ones seen on the not so idiot screens :-) And why not?

  15. Yup I am trying and trying to get 'em to go sky diving with mua but noone will go, I'll prolly end up going alone. I'll do that.

    Geez never knew you were such a Bollywood fan :P ok then I'll just have to work on my pursuation skills and pursue someone to come paddle for...but naah weighing the pros and cons, I would njoy the solitude and the calm of just being with myself and the silence. ok 'nuf said.

    Never thought you would be ok never mind that

  16. Red: Skydiving? That's way too adventurous. Paddling is certainly doable. Safer too. :-)

    I largely meant the Bollywood of before, the plots, the songs, and the simplicity, not to forget naivety. All in all charming.

    In that environs, the lake was so serene that solitude makes sense, but up to a point.


Your comments are much appreciated and I'd love to hear from you. Thank you.