June 10, 2008

The Long Road

At times it is not so much the milestones but the length of the journey that brings meaning to traveling.


  1. "...the long and winding road..."

  2. I often like the journey rather than the destination

  3. or perhaps, the 'being' in the journey, no matter how long or short it be?:)

    beautiful snap that!

  4. I agree with backpakker. But if you grow weary of the long road, there's always the saying: Two shorten the road. Having a companion is sometimes wonderful.

  5. Kenju: Hmmm. The long and winding road that never ends but goes on and on. It runs because it can't stop :)

    Backpakker: Same here.

    Dharmabum: Very much so. The anticipation, the beginning of a journey.

    D. Chedwick: Of a road that does not weary a traveler, so much so the traveler wishes it could go on and on whatever the traveler's reason may be.

  6. Lovely picture. And a lovelier thought.

  7. Very true and with less words you expressed it all :)

    I want to let you know my poetry book is out and I Need your help...for details check out my blog please
    Thanks n Cheers

  8. well said. :)

  9. Anil, you say so much with so few words and the perfect image. That could almost be the American midwest.

  10. Princess Stefania: Thank you :)

    Dawn: That's great news. All the best with your book. I checked your blog entry on that one.

    Churningthewordmill: :)

    Sarah Laurence: Thank you for your kind comment. Somehow it reminds me of a painting by Andrew Wyeth, not all of it though. I've never been to the American Midwest, must make for a pretty sight though.

  11. Thank you so much for visiting my blog. I truly enjoy your wisdom and your photography is beautiful

  12. true that!
    sometimes listening to what the road has to say is as important as what your soul says.....

  13. Just the thing I needed to read.

  14. How true! Your narrative makes fascinating reading.

  15. Its a beautiful picture and the quote is meaningful.


  16. Mridula: :)

    Pradeep: Thanks.

    Prats: Thank you.


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