Rising Voices, an outreach initiative of
Global Voices, a media project founded at
Harvard Law School's research think-tank,
The Berkman Center for Internet and Society, released last week
An Introduction to Citizen Media, a guide/report demonstrating the use of Citizen Media (blogs, podcasts, online video, and digital photography) by citizens the world over, redefining communication between peoples while transcending borders in helping shape communication in societies.
In his
introduction, David Sasaki of
Rising Voices wrote, “This guide hopes to show readers in North America and Western Europe that some of the most exciting and innovative developments related to Citizen Media are taking place in the non-Western world. It also aims to serve as a reference document for local citizen media initiatives that wish to provide a more international context to their projects when they approach community leaders, politicians, and foundations.”
This blog,
Windy Skies, features in the ‘context and case studies’ cited by the guide/report in demonstrating Citizen Media.

Lucidly written, and setting out with clarity and purpose,
An Introduction to Citizen Media makes for compelling reading while explaining the fundamentals of Citizen Media to a non-technical readership. An asset in understanding Citizen Media, the release is invaluable in propagating the concept to a wider audience, using its documented case studies featuring blogs, photo blogs, podcasts, and online video as reference.
Download the guide/report here, the first in what promises to be an excellent series on Citizen Media scheduled for release through 2008.
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