December 26, 2012

Footnotes: Moments In Repose, An Exhibition Of My Photographs

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My photography exhibition - Footnotes: Moments in Repose - opens at the Jehangir Art Gallery, Kala Ghoda, Mumbai, today.

The 50+ photographs on display were made over years of my travels across India, seeking backdrops that place the everyday in historical, cultural and traditional contexts.

They are about people, and their immediate contexts. Moments caught in transit. Moments that came to stay.

I’ve attempted to turn the fleeting into a temporary permanence, seeking their meaning as much in what the moments framed seek to reveal as in their act of concealment.

Ordinary people, their ordinary moments.

Among the places I've featured are New Delhi, Jodhpur, Deeg, Kurukshetra, Nashik, Mumbai, Kolkata, Goa, Uttarakhand, Murshidabad, Bijapur, Afzalpur, Mysore, Varanasi, Baroda, and Mumbai among others.

Why Footnotes?

It took me some time to realise the two-sided nature to most things on the street and off it – You cannot walk towards something without walking away from something else. To wait is to wander, for while the feet rest, the eyes do not. A moment frozen comes alive in the continuity it promises, for continuity is no more than a succession of stillness. To meander is to wait on the move. And you only ever come home when you’re away.

Each moment dwells in a duality, a duality that’s singular at the point of convergence. And it’s in this duality I wandered on the streets, seeking the transitory in the continuous, revelling in the light the shadows revealed.

I sought the middle ground, the space where a moment is in the middle of a transition. Having shed its origin in the very instant it begins to transform into an ending, it shows neither the beginning, nor the end.

Lacking the identity of either it becomes a footnote, like life itself.


Do come over and see the exhibition, and if family and friends are not averse to seeing yet another India-centric exhibition of photographs, bring them along too, and help put the word out. Thanks in advance. 

Venue: Jehangir Art Gallery, Kala Ghoda, Mumbai 
Duration: 26 Dec, 2012 - 2 Jan, 2013 (open on all days). 
Timings: 11 a.m. – 7 p.m.


  1. Wish I could come and see it!

    Congratulations, well deserved. Happy Christmas too!

  2. Congratulations! I wish I could be there to see it. I wish you a huge success.

  3. Congratulations, Anil!
    If only I were closer, I would definitely visit.

  4. "... seeking the transitory in the continuous ..."

    Wish I were in India and could see your exhibition. Your photographs and your words move me. Thank you for your generosity in sharing them.

  5. Oh to be in India, with your photos on display....

    'A moment frozen comes alive in the continuity it promises, for continuity is no more than a succession of stillness. To meander is to wait on the move. And you only ever come home when you’re away.'

    Anil, I love your turn of phrase and intend saving this one to share (giving you full credit) with others.


  6. Lucy: Thank you for the wishes. Would've been great if you could've made it.

    Day ONE went very well, with many, many visiting it.

    Riot Kitty: Thank you. Really wish you could've made it. If only distances were not so great.

    VioletSky: Thank you. True, the distances are too great!

    Am: Thank you for your sentiment. Really appreciate it.

    Grannymar: Thank you. Would've been lovely to have you see it. Sure, you can share the words.

    Nice to know you liked it.

  7. That is exciting that your work will be on exhibit. Congratulations! I hope it goes well for you. Wishing you all the best in the new year!

  8. Daisy: Thank you very much. The first day went very well. I had to field a lot of questions on the photography on display :-)

  9. I'm looking forward to this. Congratulations, and al the very best!

  10. How wonderful. Congratulations! I do wish it could be possible for me to hop a magic carpet and see this exhibition, though I am grateful at least to see be able to see some of your work online.

  11. Wish i was there :( your pics are amazing :) keep updating us with this blog

  12. Congratulations...Wish you a more exciting year ahead..

  13. Congratulations, I wish very much that I could be there in person!

  14. AP: Wishing I could have made it,hope it was well received and a huge success.

  15. Susan Scheid: Thank you. Magic carpets would've been a great deal useful in many ways.

    Rahul: Thanks. Maybe in a post or two will tell of how it went.

    Solo Backpacker: Thank you.

    Beth: Thank you. That'd been nice indeed.

    Red: Thank you. It was well attended. Hopefully, another time.

  16. Congratulations... and, the writing by the photographs is really nice.

  17. Oh, that would have been lovely to see! And yes, that does go well with the post on poem as tower, violence and repose fused. Very interesting and, I am sure, a wonderful show.


Your comments are much appreciated and I'd love to hear from you. Thank you.