August 01, 2011

A Matter Of Chance

Ahmedabad Boy Flying Kite
Ahmedabad. 2011.

Slung over the shoulder
A kite rides his back,
Where, in another time and age,
A quiver of arrows might have.

Where circumstances offer choices
They’re his to make,
But were destiny to shape circumstances,
It’d be his fate to endure them.


  1. Excellent pic and prose, as usual.

  2. Such wise words. Unfortunately for many children, even today, they carry guns or bombs - they have no choice. It is good that the child in the photo has that choice.

  3. I think kite is better than quiver full of arrows. :)

  4. A kite can fly high and allow him to dream. We need time to float away every now and then.

  5. Wise words, my friend. And I hope that he always gets to choose kites over arrows.

  6. Riot Kitty: Thank you.

    Lgsquirrel: Thank you. Very true what you state.

    Sometimes, the state of a society, the state of the neighbourhood, the state of the family, and the state of a country will mix together into circumstances far from ideal for children to be growing up in.

    Mostly, the neighbourhood, and the family play an important role excepting those in war zones where like Indians would say Bhagwan Bharose Jeena Hai.

    Nona: Anytime.

    Grannymar: Absolutely, to let imagination, hopes, aspirations take wings.

    Lynn: Thank you. I hope so too.

  7. Where circumstances offer choices
    They’re his to make,
    But were destiny to shape circumstances,
    It’d be his fate to endure them.

    Like an epitaph for humanity...

  8. What a keen sense you have of human beings caught in the stream of time and history--the plays that might be lost, the street vendor whose songs are now unwanted, this child...

    I liked my visit here very much and will be sure and return!

  9. Hip Chick: Thank you.

    Balachandran V: Well, almost.

    Marly Youmans: Thank you.

    It's indeed a pleasure to learn you liked the posts. Thank you for visiting.

    On the street, when shadows of the wanderer and the wandering overlap, a momentary destiny is shared even in silence, even in the distance.

  10. That's an interesting thought! Well written Anil. Enjoyed reading about the Munshi Premchand Theatre fest too, especially the details. Reminds me, must catch up with the plays at the Hindu Metroplus theatre fest here in Blore.
    And thanks for the kudos for my post :)

  11. :D the one thing I did not do as a kid ~ fly a kite

  12. It's a fine line, isn't it. Making choices requires courage.

  13. So profound and so true, Anil. I'm so glad that he has the choice...

  14. I like your blog Anil :)
    The grey here is so peaceful :)
    Love it, Happy blogging !

  15. Daisy: Thank you.

    Ambika: Thank you. The Munshi Premchand Theatre Festival was notable for the range of plays based on Premchand's stories.

    Iengar Chick: It's never too late to be a child once more, in a different way though.

    Rouchwalwe: It's a fine line, no doubt.

    True, making choices requires choices just the same as living with choices made by circumstances requires courage.

    Talon: Thank you. He's lucky for now. I hope he'll continue to be able to make his own chocies into adulthood.

    Serendipity: Thank you. Glad you think so.

  16. There is no better way to unleash your dreams.

  17. You've caught it all very well in eight short lines...and they fit perfectly with the photo. May he continue to have choices offered by the circumstances of his life....

  18. This truly is just beautifully worded!

  19. Indian Bazaars: Thank you.

    Dr.Antony: Absolutely.

    Sara: Thank you. Hopefully, he will.

    Mary: Thank you.

  20. nice.
    but the problem arises when we feel sufficient power in out hands to challenge fate, yet feel powerless in front of it :)


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