May 25, 2011

Traveller's Quote

You don’t weep unless you’ve been happy first; tears always mean something enviable.

~ Graham Greene in Journey Without Maps


  1. Well, that was mysterious and cryptic.

  2. I hope you are not weeping.

  3. Oh dear....
    this is cryptic is also so very true

  4. Honestly, Anil, I am not sure if I got it right.

  5. true, so true.

  6. Definitely a thought provoking quote!

    I am late here and catching up as usual. The previous post on the bird sanctuary was very sad to read - so pleased you provided an update at the end..

  7. Riot Kitty: Yes, very. The cryptic is unfailingly mysterious.

    Grannymar: Journey Without Maps is singularly touching for its threatened foreboding page after page. a foreboding of a different kind.

    Meena Venkataraman: Hmmm!

    VioletSky: Mystery in what is left unsaid in a cryptic context.

    Dr. Antony: Essentially Graham Greene looks at tears in a different perspective, reaching its genesis in a screaming observation.

    Blommer22: Very.

    Karen: Thank you. Greene is right on with his observation.

    Tony: Absolutely, Tony. Very well said.

  8. poignant and poetic. but does it mean we dont appreciate the good until its lost?

  9. Ms.N: More than not appreciating the good until it is lost, it's rather a case of longing for the good once it has passed, more so if visited by bad times.


Your comments are much appreciated and I'd love to hear from you. Thank you.