February 25, 2009

Best Travelogue Nomination in the Lonely Planet Travel Blog Awards 2009

Thank you for nominating Windy Skies in the Best Travelogue category in the first ever Lonely Planet Travel Blog Awards 2009.

Lonely Planet released the top five nominees in each of the 14 categories from the nominations received, and I’m thrilled to find this blog listed in the top five nominees in the Best Travelogue category.

Public voting opens today, and will count towards 50% in the judging, the other 50% will be accounted for by a Lonely Planet judging panel.

Windy Skies is two months shy of five years and it’s been a privilege to travel with you on many a long and varied journey, and the discussions that followed.

If you’re a regular reader or if you’ve stumbled upon this blog and have enjoyed the travelogues, and wish to give Windy Skies a thumbs up in the Best Travelogue category, please do visit the Lonely Planet Voting form to cast your vote for this blog. Every one of your votes for this blog will count. Thank you.

All categories feature wonderful travel blogs and promise many a happy traveling hour.


  1. Hi,

    I just voted.

    Folks get out there and vote. At the moment this blog is running second....

  2. just voted for you.. i'm a big fan! :-)

  3. I voted for you Anil, and then I bookmarked the site so I could check out all the others.

  4. Ugich Konitari: Thank you for the enthusiam and the support :)

    Karen: Thanks, Karen.

    Kenju: Thank you. Many of those on the list are new to me. I'm happy to have discovered them.

  5. Just voted for you. Hope you win :)

  6. Yes Anil, i just voted for you, this is very exciting! A Big congratulations on getting this far!
    x lori

  7. I voted for your blog because of its depth and insight mixed with photos of a "present" experience...beautiful and worthy posts, Anil.

  8. I just voted and your were in second place. I hope you win. Good luck!

  9. I just voted!!!! Wow congrats on getting the nomination.

  10. I cast my vote for you. Best wishes! You deserve it!

  11. Yea! Best of luck! You deserve the recognition!

  12. I just voted too..all the best anil :)

  13. Congratulations Anil. And wish you the best.

  14. This is awesome. Congratulations:)

  15. Patrix: Thanks, Patrix.

    Lori Ann: Thanks, Lori Ann, for the support.

    Cynthia: Thank you very much. Few things can beat the feeling of when told the work is valued.

    Sarah Laurence: Thank you, Sarah. It's going to be a stiff run no doubt, but fun.

    Anjuli: Thank you. It was a pleasant surprise getting the nomination though I was hoping for it :)

    Bobbie: Thank you, Bobbie, for the faith, and the support.

    CoyoteFe: Thank you :)

    Lakshmi: Thanks, Lakshmi, really appreciate your thumbs-up.

    Arun: Thank you, Arun.

    shesturningb: Thanks :)

  16. Congratulations. I will go the Lonely Planet and vote for you.

  17. Gr8. Congrats!!!!! Keep Writing.

  18. Lakeviewer: Thank you. Every vote will count.

    Vibhav: Thank you :)

  19. It is good to see someone passionate about travelling and taking the trouble to pen down his passion in words. I wish this lives with you through out. I have already voted. Best of luck.

  20. Dear Anil,

    Thank you for dropping by my blog and commenting. Congratulations on your nomination! I will certainly take some time to explore your posts.

  21. Subhanjan: Thank you. I suppose somewhere within each of us us is a wanderlust that makes us want to see, and maybe reach out to our surroundings.

    Butternut Squash: Thank you. Hopefully it will have more people reading India posts :)

  22. I love your blog--and I'm voting!

  23. This is great, Anil -- I just voted, too. All the best. You deserve it!

  24. Avid Reader: Thank you for the faith :)

    Maria: Thank you the vote, it's encouraging to have your support.

  25. Thanks for visiting me. Your blog is incredible. The photos are stunning. As a person who enjoys travel, I shall enjoy following your blog immensely!

  26. Congratulations! A well deserved nomination - and best wishes for winning the award.

  27. The Things We Carried: Thank you. It's a pleasure to have you visit and read the posts.

    Raji Muthurishnan: Thank you. Hoping for the best.

    Lydia and Victor: Thank you for your wishes. Wish you all the very best with the nomination, and the voting phase.

  28. congrats! thats great news.

  29. Just voted buddy...need to get some more people on board.

    Hope you win!


  30. Sujatha: Thank you.

    Churningthewordmill: Thank you.

    Sudhir: Thank you. Hopefully.

  31. Done voting, too - for you of course!

  32. I voted too!! You have a great blog here. Will come back to read your older posts.

  33. Voted, good luck, Anil. Will spread the word.

  34. Raji Muthukrishnan: Thank you for the vote :-)

    Vamsee: Thank you for voting. I hope you'll enjoy the older posts as well.

    Sri: Thank you for the faith.

  35. Seen it and done it !! Wishes heaps !! Cheers..

  36. Oh no, I saw this too late - else I would have certainly voted for you.
    Good luck! You deserve a win!

  37. Congrats! BTW please do enable full feed.. partial feed makes sure that I miss out on the fun :P


Your comments are much appreciated and I'd love to hear from you. Thank you.