March 17, 2008

A Sunday Delivery

They stopped by a shopkeeper in the corridor and handed him a slip of paper containing an address, asking for directions to get there.

Someone was waiting home this Sunday for their new Sofa.


  1. ...and a happy Sunday eve ensues. :)

  2. thats indeed a nice reminds me of "Seinfeld"
    TV Series in 1990 where the new york comedian Jerry Seinfeld had his popular dialogue- what is it, then? My new sofa! Poppie peed on my new sofa!.

    thanks for sharing the thought.

  3. simply brilliant...your entire body of work on this blog!! like your style of isn't easy to bring the feeling quotient in the topics you write about..

    thank you for this array of words..definetly helps another individual grow along with your experiences!

  4. i love this...
    little stories walking into our lives in the form of anecdotes hidden under the sofa somebody is waiting for at her home...
    absolutely human

  5. Anan: For all we know it might have to do with marking one's territory :)

    Novice: Thank you for feeling so. It's a pleasure indeed to know the work is valued and makes a difference to the reader. Thank you.

    Adi: Thank you. So much the everyday thing :)

  6. this is such a simple, everyday happening, but your pic and the little narrative - truly in your own style - makes such a seemingly simple event a pretty little story!


Your comments are much appreciated and I'd love to hear from you. Thank you.