February 07, 2008

Waiting, Watching

Watching a barge navigate up the Mandovi while waiting for the river ferry from Piedade to ferry them across the river to Divar.

At times, on the banks of the Mandovi, only the breeze stirs time.


  1. simple and poignant. the post itself stops time for a moment, as the reader soaks it in....

  2. The sky looks almost purple there- beautiful!

    Thanks for your comment on my blog earlier. I hope it's ok that I add you to my blogroll so I can locate and visit you? :)

  3. Great picture and iteresting blog. Have to come back to read some more. Have to work soon. Thanks for visiting me.

  4. I so enjoy your writing!

  5. YOur photo does have a timeless quality.

  6. Bluemountainmama: Thank you. There's a certain timeless quality to rivers. Maybe it is the visibility of the opposite bank that contributes to it.

    Imagine sitting here in an easy chair under the shade of coconut palms and letting time slide off the stillness.

    Carolyn: Thank you. You're welcome to do so.

    Marja: Thank you.

    Seamus: Thanks. It's a pleasure to know it. Do visit again.

    Kenju: Thank you. In the distance, across the banks of the Mandovi, hills descend to the plains where paddy (rice) fields open up the landscape.

  7. that's a beautiful image and the words complement it very well. thanks for your kind comment on my blog. I liked the photos on your other blog, too. I have always longed to visit India.

  8. I watched, I waited, and again watched and now a brief comment to say a simple and lovely post.

  9. beautiful moment captured...lovely..says so much and yet says nothing

  10. I miss home. Your blog takes me back

  11. Mandovi, Piedade...words so familiar, places I have never visited.

  12. CG: Thank you, it's a pleasure. India is a lovely place to visit if you know what're you're getting into, and if you have planned on the places and things to see. For the unknown aspect, the known needs to be explored, and understood!

    Indicaspecies: Thank you :) It's a forever waiting place.

    Backpakker: Thank you.

    Viki: If that's so, then I couldn't have hoped for more. Thank you :)

    Ms. Cute Pants: Places you must visit.

  13. There seem to be so few places where time can stand still now-a-days!

  14. where is mandovi? my recent outing in india was to ragantittu bird sanctury (near mysore..I think in mandya district).
    and the feeling...its been here all these years..why am I seeing it only now :)

  15. Lovely. Lovely words and lovely images. More of a poem than anything else. I am always struggling with time - but maybe it should struggle with me! for a change.

  16. Shantanu: Actually yes and no. In the cities the flow of people and traffic leaves no place to savour stillness.

    Off the streets, away from the hustle, to be able to stand back and watch the world go by can still summon the quiet.

    Ligne: Mandovi flows through Goa, owes its origins in the Western Ghats where the Mahdei (also spelled Madei) feeds it.

    Hmmm, the 'why didn't I go see it before' :)

    Chiefbiscuit: Thank you. Time will flow regardless :)

  17. ah! i love that line, there is a poem in it somewhere :) waiting...

  18. Adi: Maybe there is :)

    Wild Iris: Thanks.

  19. 'only the breeze stirs time'

    Poignant words. Write more. Please.

  20. Been there last year..those lines are so true..at times only the breeze stirs time..and one flows through the sound of silence! I always felt that Waters have that peaceful soothing effect on the mind and soul..

  21. My first visit here. Just fell in love with this picture. So calm and beautiful.


Your comments are much appreciated and I'd love to hear from you. Thank you.